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U.S. Senate Unanimously Passes Collins, Shaheen Resolution Recognizing International Women’s Day 2019

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) announced that their bipartisan resolution to recognize March 8, 2019, as International Women’s Day unanimously passed the Senate. The resolution celebrates the achievements of women and girls around the globe and underscores the significant barriers that still stand in the way of women’s full equality and empowerment.


“Women have blazed trails and broken barriers in every field of endeavor,” said Senator Collins. “International Women's Day celebrates the countless important social, economic, cultural, and political contributions that women are making in the United States and around the world. This resolution recognizes those achievements and reaffirms our enduring commitment to work toward a world that guarantees basic human rights and empowers women of all ages.”


“Protecting the rights of women and girls around the globe is both a national security priority and a moral obligation. The Senate’s unanimous approval of this resolution reaffirms Congress’ bipartisan commitment to these objectives, and also challenges us all to continue to step up and break down remaining barriers that prevent women in the United States and around the world from enjoying full equality,” said Senator Shaheen. “Whether it’s ensuring that women have access to comprehensive health care services, that girls have the tools they need to complete their education, or that there is female representation in leadership and decision-making —we have more work to do to ensure these issues remain front and center.”


The resolution reaffirms the advancement of women around the globe as a US foreign policy priority and emphasizes that women throughout the world:


  • Have fundamental rights;
  • Participate in the political, social, and economic lives of their communities;
  • Play a critical role in providing and caring for their families;
  • Contribute substantially to economic growth and the prevention and resolution of conflict; and
  • Play an important role in the advancement of food security for their communities.


Senators Collins and Shaheen have led the International Women’s Day resolution in the U.S. Senate since 2011 and are both the lead sponsors of the Global, Health, Empowerment, and Rights (HER) Act.


Last year, bipartisan legislation co-authored by Senator Collins to help protect amateur athletes from sexual abuse was signed into law.  In the last Congress, Senators Shaheen and Collins reintroduced the International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA). This bipartisan bill would ensure that combating gender-based violence around the world remains a top diplomatic and development priority for the United States. Senator Collins also introduced the Reach Every Mother and Child Act of 2017 last year, which would strengthen the U.S. government’s efforts to end preventable deaths of mothers, newborns, and young children in developing nations around the world. 


Click HERE for the text of the International Women’s Day resolution.