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To Kick off Maine Maple Week, Collins, Welch Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Increase Seniors’ Access to Locally Sourced Maple Products, Expand Market for Producers

Senator Angus King also cosponsored bill to support Maine’s maple industry

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Peter Welch (D-VT), along with bill cosponsor Senator Angus King, introduced the Making Agricultural Products Locally Essential (MAPLE) Act, bipartisan legislation that supports the maple industry by providing a new market for maple syrup producers while increasing seniors’ access to nutritious, locally sourced maple syrup products.

“Maine is the third largest producer of pure maple syrup in the country, producing more than 575,000 gallons in a normal season, and bringing in more than $55 million to our state each year while supporting hundreds of local jobs,” said Senator Collins. “Allowing maple syrup to be purchased under the Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program is a win for our seniors, maple product producers, and Maine’s economy.” 

“For Vermonters, maple syrup runs thicker than blood—it’s long been a cornerstone of our state’s culture and our economy,” said Senator Welch. “The MAPLE Act will help seniors in Vermont and across America tap into the nutritious, locally-sourced, world-class maple our state is so proud of, expand the market for maple producers, and boost our local economy.” 

“There’s nothing better than real Maine maple syrup on Sunday morning pancakes, except maybe the other six days of the week,” said Senator King. “The MAPLE Act would make investments in the hardworking maple syrup producers by supporting additional markets for the tasty product. It would add maple syrup to the eligible products under the federal seniors’ nutrition program. This bill is a win-win to ensure we support our local businesses and provide our friends and neighbors with nutritious, quality food products.”

Specifically, the MAPLE Act would add maple syrup to the eligible products under the Seniors Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP), which gives low-income seniors access to locally grown fruits, vegetables, honey, and herbs at farmers’ markets, roadside stands, and community-supported agriculture programs.  

The full text of the bill can be read here
