The funds are in the form of a Rural Development loan of $296,000 and a grant of $314,000 and will be used to upgrade three existing wastewater pump stations by replacing aging pumps, equipment, and controls that have surpassed their design life.
"The loans and grants we receive from the U.S. Department of Agriculture are of great value to our rural communities," Senators Snowe and Collins said in a joint statement. "The funds that have been awarded to the Lincoln Sanitary District will help to replace equipment that is necessary to the health of the community but that has become outdated and dysfunctional."
The USDA Rural Development mission provides guaranteed loans, approved loans, and approved grants. Rural Development is committed to helping improve the economy and quality of life in all of rural America. The loans and grants are used for community programs, which seek to construct or improve community facilities for health care, public safety, and public services.