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Significant EU Trade Victory for Maine Lobster Advances

Washington, D.C.—U.S. Senator Susan Collins welcomed the news today that the European Parliament’s trade committee voted 40-2 in support of an agreement to eliminate tariffs on live and frozen American lobster, which will help to substantially boost sales of Maine lobster to European markets.  The deal now awaits a vote by the full European Union parliament.  Senator Collins strongly advocated for this agreement and raised the concerns of Maine’s lobster industry directly to the White House and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer.


Several years ago, the European Union was a top destination for American lobster, accounting for approximately 15 to 20 percent of annual lobster exports.  In 2017, the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) was implemented between Canada and the European Union, reducing tariffs to zero on live Canadian lobsters and eliminating tariffs over a period of several years on frozen and processed Canadian lobsters.  This put American lobster exporters at a serious disadvantage because, unlike Canadians, American exporters were facing tariffs of between 8 and 30 percent to sell into the European Union.


The agreement will reduce tariffs on live and frozen U.S. lobsters to 0%, retroactive to August 1st.  The agreement is expected to last for five years, with the European Union taking steps to make it permanent.


“The overwhelming support this trade agreement has received is encouraging news for Maine’s lobster industry, which has experienced a number of challenges in recent years ranging from the pandemic to the trade war,” said Senator Collins.  “Once this significant victory is finalized, U.S. lobster will be placed on a level playing field with Canadian lobster, and this lucrative market will be reopened.  I will continue to work closely with Maine’s hardworking lobstermen and women, processors, and dealers to help ensure the needs of this vital fishery are addressed.”


“This is a step in the right direction for US lobster businesses. They have been anxiously awaiting additional details on this deal since it was announced August 21, 2020. While we recognize that there are additional steps before the agreement is fully realized, we are thrilled to see a 40-2 vote from the EU Trade Committee as the plan advances to the European Parliament and European Committee,”  said Annie Tselikis, Executive Director Maine Lobster Dealers’ Association.  “We are grateful for the attention and support from Sen. Collins and the entire Maine delegation as they have played a critical role as a facilitator between the industry and the Office of the US Trade Representative.”


In April 2018, Senator Collins urged U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue to help expand foreign markets for American lobster in response to the economic harm caused by CETA.


In July 2018, Senator Collins pressed U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer to continue fighting for the Maine lobster industry, citing CETA and China’s retaliatory tariffs.


In June 2018, the Maine Delegation hosted a meeting between top USTR officials, members of the Maine Lobster Dealers’ Association, and local lobstermen to discuss the impact of federal trade policies on the state’s most productive and profitable fishery.


In November 2019, Senators Collins, and Angus King and Representative Chellie Pingree called on USTR Lighthizer to prioritize a trade deal with the European Union that would reduce or eliminate E.U. tariffs on Maine lobster.

