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Sens. Collins, King Support Request For Trade Adjustment Assistance For Displaced Workers From Old Town Fuel And Fiber

WASHINGTON, D.C.-   In a letter sent today, U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King urged Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez to approve a Petition for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) for the 200 workers at Old Town Fuel and Fiber, who have been displaced as a result of a significant drop in demand due to competition with foreign countries.

The purpose of the TAA program is to aid workers who lose their jobs or whose hours of work and wages decrease as a result of increased imports. If the TAA petition is approved, displaced Old Town Fuel and Fiber workers will be eligible for employment training in another job or career, income support, job search allowances, and relocation services for individuals who obtain jobs outside of their normal commuting area.

The full text of the letter follows:


August 26, 2014
The Honorable Thomas E. Perez
United States Department of Labor
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210
Dear Mr. Secretary:

We are writing in support of the recently filed Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) petition to assist approximately 200 workers at Old Town Fuel and Fiber, of Old Town, Maine, who have been displaced as a result of substantially reduced demand for the mill’s products due to foreign competition. The significantly lower cost of Eucalyptus pulp from Brazil, coupled with the high cost of energy and fiber, have made it incredibly difficult for the company to compete in the international marketplace. Given recent layoff announcements at other mills in this region, this further loss of employment is a devastating blow to central Maine.

Given the significant loss of jobs throughout Maine’s pulp and paper industry in recent years, the laid-off workers will have to make a tremendous effort to find alternative employment. Since many related wood product manufacturers have already experienced closures as a result of similar declines in business due to foreign trade, it is likely to be very difficult, if not virtually impossible, for these workers to find comparable positions, and they may require retraining for other emerging occupations. Thus, it is crucial that these workers receive certification under the TAA program.

We urge that you review Old Town Fuel and Fiber's TAAapplication as expeditiously as possible, consistent with your rules and regulations, to ensure that the workers receive the assistance they need to secure work and maintain their financial stability.

Thank you for your consideration on behalf of the workers at Old Town Fuel and Fiber in Old Town, Maine.


Susan M. Collins
United States Senator
Angus S. King, Jr.
United States Senator