"Workers at Cushion Craft will lose their jobs through no fault of their own, and they deserve all the assistance we can provide them during this difficult time," said the Senators in a joint statement. "We must partner community leaders in business and government to apply federal, state and local resources where they will make a real difference for dislocated workers and their families."
The Androscoggin Community Task Force will be modeled after other successful efforts the Senators have spearheaded in communities across Maine in order to help displaced workers access available programs for job retraining, education, job search and relocation, and re-employment services.
Many of the products produced in Maine are being challenged by products produced by other countries, and in Cushion Craft's case, imported blankets from China and Pakistan are at the root of the company's decision to shutdown. If certified to receive TAA benefits, the workers who lose their employment due to this fact will benefit from retraining opportunities afforded by the TAA program.