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WASHINGTON, D.C.-U.S. Senators Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Susan Collins (R-ME) today announced that Maine has received $298,340 for Americorps programs. The Training Resource Center Emergency Response Corps in Portland has received a $50,000 AmeriCorps Planning grant and Coastal Enterprises has received a $248,340 grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service

"AmeriCorps is a service program that provides thousands of individuals the opportunity to work in local communities to address educational, public safety, human, and environmental needs," Snowe and Collins said in a joint statement. "This funding will be essential in helping volunteer first responders with the tools they need to keep our communities safe during emergencies. The funding will also support a program vital to the health and well being of many of Maine's elderly."

The Training Resource Center's emergency Response Corps, currently operating in Maine, focuses on augmenting rural fire and emergency systems. They have submitted a proposal to expand services to cover the neighboring states of New Hampshire and Vermont. Activities include recruiting a significant number of new volunteer emergency responders; developing volunteer management systems; delivering public safety outreach presentations in local schools; and developing relationships with community organizations in the emergency response field.

Coastal Enterprises Maine Independence Corps is addressing the needs of Maine's elderly low-income residents by removing home obstacles to improve energy efficiency, safety, and other health elements. Members serve on teams to reduce the gap in services by assisting Maine's elderly and disabled homeowners with low incomes. Members perform energy conservation assessments and install safety devices and energy saving materials to reduce energy costs to low-income seniors. They make American Disabilities Act modifications to senior housing units and provide information and referral services to low income senior housing communities. Members recruit, train, and manage volunteers to assist in these service activities.