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            Senators Susan Collins, John Warner (R-VA), and Ben Nelson (D-NE), who are authors of a bipartisan resolution that expresses the Senate’s opposition to the President’s plan to send more troops to Iraq, tonight announced changes to their resolution that further strengthens it. In a speech to the Senate, Senator Collins said that the changes in the resolution were made as a result of additional hearings, briefings, and conversations with top military leaders that the Senators have had over the past few days.

            Senator Levin, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, of which Senators Warner, Collins and Nelson are members, tonight announced his support of the resolution.

            “The war in Iraq is one of the most vital issues facing our country. It is crucial that the Senate go on record opposing the President’s plan to send more troops to Iraq . The provisions that we are announcing tonight will further strengthen our resolution,” said Senator Collins.

            The strengthening provisions are as follows:

  • The resolution makes clear that the Senate opposes cutting off funding for our troops.
  • The resolution calls for benchmarks that the Iraqi government must meet. These benchmarks include assurances of equitable distribution of Iraqi oil revenues and assurances by the Prime Minister that insurgents who violate the law—regardless of their religious sect affiliations—will be prosecuted.
  • The resolution also clarifies chain of command structure, calling for a more joint and unified chain of command in the American and Iraqi forces.