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Senators Collins, Peters Provision Boosting Fire Departments Signed into Law

Washington, D.C. - President Trump signed into law the AFG and SAFER Program Reauthorization Act that included a provision authored by U.S. Senators Susan Collins (R-ME), Chair of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus, and Gary Peters (D-MI) to help fire departments save money by hiring and promoting trained first responders. The provision gives local fire departments around the country the flexibility to use Staffing for Adequate Fire & Emergency Response (SAFER) grants to transition part-time or paid-on-call personnel who are already trained and equipped to respond to emergencies to full-time status. Previously, SAFER grants could only be used to hire and train new personnel.

“Volunteer and part-time firefighters across the country work hard every day to protect the communities they serve, and they need adequate resources and training to do their important jobs,” said Senator Collins, Chair of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus.  “We are delighted that this bipartisan legislation has been signed into law with our important provision, ensuring that the SAFER grant program will continue to provide critical support and resources to fire departments that keep our communities safe.”


“Part-time firefighters in Michigan – and across the country – use their valuable experience and training to save lives and protect our homes and businesses,” said Senator Peters, a member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. “I’m pleased this commonsense, bipartisan legislation has been signed into law so fire departments can devote their limited resources to promoting trained, experienced firefighters who are already working to keep our communities safe.”


Volunteer or part-time firefighters make up 70 percent of the total firefighting force in the United States, and these first responders receive important training and certifications to prepare for emergency situations. The Collins-Peters provision enables fire departments to devote resources to promoting firefighters that are already trained and serving in local communities, rather than hiring and training new personnel for full-time employment.


The provision is supported by the International Association of Firefighters, the International Association of Fire Chiefs, the National Association of Counties, and the U.S. Conference of Mayors, among other groups.