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Senators Collins, King Announce More Than $1.2 Million for Climate Research in the Gulf of Maine

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Susan Collins and Angus King announced that the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI) has received a total of $1,274,908 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to conduct research and modeling on climate, economic, ocean and ecosystem changes in the Gulf of Maine and inform fisheries of shifting weather patterns. 


“The Gulf of Maine is currently warming faster than almost any other body of water on Earth,” said Senators Collins and King in a joint statement.  “Research has shown that waters of record high temperature are entering the Gulf, and these changes pose long-term threats to the balance of conditions that have fostered such a historically healthy, productive ocean ecosystem. To help the fishing industry better understand, prepare for, and adapt to these changes, we welcome NOAA’s investment in prioritizing the Gulf of Maine as an area of study.”


GMRI is a nonprofit organization that researches the complex marine ecology in the Gulf of Maine and studies the many challenges of ocean stewardship and economic growth in the region. The institute provides students and teachers with science education resources and engages fishermen in collaborative research.


This funding was awarded through NOAA’s Climate Program Office, as part of NOAA Oceanic and Atmospheric Research.



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