WASHINGTON, DC —Senator Susan Collins voted today to end debate on the fiscal year 2006 defense spending bill that includes vital money for our troops and national security, the DD(X) program and BIW, the LIHEAP program, and victims of Hurricane Katrina. Senator Collins released this statement on the bill:
“The Defense Appropriations bill includes critical funding for our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq , for Bath Iron Works and our Navy, and for the LIHEAP program. The skilled workforce at BIW plays a vital role in our military and this legislation includes crucial funding for the DD(X) and DDG-51 modernization programs for which BIW will perform the work.
“The spending bill includes essential funding for our troops to help ensure that they have the best equipment possible to defend our nation. And it includes dollars for the victims of Hurricane Katrina who are still struggling to get back on their feet following one of the worst natural disasters in our nation’s history. In addition, many of Maine ’s low-income families will rely this winter on the $2 billion in additional funding included for the LIHEAP program in this bill.
“I am however, appalled at the tactic used to include in this bill a provision to open ANWR to oil and gas drilling. I have consistently voted against opening ANWR and expressed my strong views to Senate leadership that slipping the ANWR provision into this must-pass bill was an abuse of the legislative process.
“It is my hope that we can go back to the table with this legislation and consider a defense spending bill that does not include the ANWR provision, which does not belong in this legislation.”