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Senator Susan Collins' Statement on Pope Francis' Historic Address to Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C.— After Pope Francis’ historic address to a Joint Session of Congress, U.S. Senator Susan Collins released the following statement:

         “It was a tremendous honor to be on the official escort committee for the Pope’s address to Congress and to have the wonderful opportunity to see him prior to his speech. The Pope’s inspiring message of 'hope and healing, of peace and justice' and his focus on four Americans — Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day, and Thomas Merton — resonated with me. His call for a renewal of a spirit of cooperation I hope will inspire members of Congress and the President to work together to address our problems at home and the crises overseas."

          Earlier this morning, Senator Collins was among the small bipartisan group of lawmakers who accompanied Pope Francis into the congressional chamber prior to his address to a joint session of Congress.