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Senator Collins Welcomes York Natives as Fall Interns

Click HERE for a high-resolution photo of Senator Collins and Andy Lewis.

Click HERE for a high-resolution photo of Senator Collins and Liam McDonough


Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Susan Collins announced that Andy Lewis and Liam McDonough, York natives, have been awarded fall internships in her Washington, D.C. office.


“It is always a pleasure to give Mainers an opportunity to see the legislative process firsthand and to serve the citizens of Maine,” said Senator Collins.  “Andy and Liam have a strong work ethic and a commendable desire to work in public service.  I am delighted to welcome them to my Washington, D.C., office.”


Andy is the son of Chris Lewis and Sandy Quinlivan.  He is a junior at American University, where he is majoring in history.  Andy serves as a member of the University’s College Republicans, Honors Program, and Catholic Campus Ministry.  After graduation, he plans to attend graduate and law school.


Liam is the son of Kathryn and William McDonough.  He previously served as an intern in Senator Collins’ Biddeford Constituent Services Center.  Liam is a graduate of Colby College, where he majored in psychology and minored in economics.  He competed on Colby College’s varsity cross country, indoor track, and track and field teams and served as president of the College Republicans Club.  Most recently, Liam worked on Senator Collins’ reelection campaign as a field operator.


Maine students who are interested in applying for future sessions of the internship program can do so through Senator Collins’ website at:

