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Senator Collins, THUD Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman, Praises Advancement of FY 2016 Funding Bill

      WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Susan Collins, Chairman of the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) Appropriations Subcommittee, announced today that the Fiscal Year 2016 THUD funding bill has advanced and will be considered on the Senate floor under regular order this week.
      “Through negotiation and compromise, this bipartisan bill makes smart investments in our nation’s infrastructure, helps meet the housing needs of the most vulnerable among us, and provides funding for economic development projects in our communities,” said Senator Collins. “As Chairman of the THUD Appropriations Committee, I am pleased that this bipartisan appropriations bill will be considered by the full Senate under regular order and that we will have the opportunity to debate the legislation in an open and transparent way.”
      This is the first time that the full Senate will have the opportunity to debate, amend, and pass a stand-alone THUD appropriations bill since 2009.  

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