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Senator Collins: “Talking Stick” helped make sure everybody’s voice was heard

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Note to assignment editors and news directors: Click HERE for high-quality video of the interview

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) spoke on CNN’s “New Day” this morning about her use of a talking stick during the Common Sense Coalition’s bipartisan talks that took place in her office last Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.  Senators Collins and Joe Manchin (D-WV) led the group of 25 Republicans, Democrats, and an Independent proposed the compromise to end the government shutdown.

CHRIS CUOMO: The federal government is open, but it runs out of money again in 16 days. Between now and then, senators have a lot of work to do, and it's going to have to be bipartisan. They’re going to have to take on big budget issues. They’re going to have to deal with immigration, defense spending, and it's not just how much; it’s when and how. So will they be able to do this? One person who definitely says yes is Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine. She led a bipartisan group of senators and talks to reopen the government and she used a now-famous talking stick. Senator Collins, good to have you.


SENATOR SUSAN COLLINS: Thank you, Chris. Good morning.


CHRIS CUOMO: What is a talking stick?


SENATOR SUSAN COLLINS: Well, I can show it to you.




COLLINS: And as you can see, it's beautifully beaded and it was given to me by my friend Democratic Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, and it is originally from Africa, and it is used to help control the debate in a meeting when you have a large number of loquacious people. And it was very helpful in making sure that everybody's voice got heard when we were doing the discussions in my office day, after day, after day.