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Senator Collins Sworn in for Historic 5th Term

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Washington, D.C.—Today, U.S. Senator Susan Collins was sworn in for an historic 5th term.  She was joined by her husband, Tom Daffron, and escorted in the Senate Chamber by former Maine Senator and Secretary of Defense Bill Cohen.


“I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the people of Maine for once again giving me the opportunity to serve,” said Senator Collins.  “It was an honor to be accompanied to the swearing-in ceremony today by my friend, Secretary Cohen, a dedicated public servant who provided our state and our nation with many years of dedicated service.  I look forward to continuing to represent Maine in the U.S. Senate, and I will work as hard as I can each and every day for better health care, more jobs, and stronger communities.”


On the first day of the new Congress, all new and newly re-elected Senators take a formal oath administered by the Vice President, who also serves as the President of the Senate.  It is Senate tradition for a current or former Senator to escort the new or newly re-elected Senators into the chamber.  Secretary Cohen represented Maine for 18 years in the Senate and six years in the House.  Senator Collins worked for him for 12 years.


Some facts of note:


  • Sen. Collins is the first popularly elected U.S. Senator from Maine to be elected to a 5th term.


  • She is the first Republican woman Senator elected to a 5th term in our nation’s history.


  • Sen. Collins was re-elected on November 3.  She won:


  • By a 51-42 margin;


  • 85% of Maine’s cities and towns; and


  • 14 out of Maine’s 16 counties.


  • She is the only sitting U.S. Senator who has won election three times when her State voted for a presidential candidate of the other party.


  • Sen. Collins has never missed a roll call vote.


o   She is the first Senator to have a perfect voting record through his or her first four terms.


o   She has cast 7,554 consecutive roll call votes.

