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U.S. Senator Susan Collins today released this statement following passage of compromise tax relief legislation that includes a two-year extension of current rates for all Americans.  The final Senate vote was 81-19.

"America needs jobs - not higher taxes," said Senator Collins. "In September, I first urged my colleagues and the Administration to come together around this reasonable, two-year compromise that will help get us through the recession and send a strong signal to the business community to invest and create jobs.  I am pleased that the Senate has acted to give families some confidence and business owners some certainty.  

"I am very disappointed, however, that Congress was not able to hold the line on an unwarranted $6 billion tax credit for corn-based ethanol and some other special interest provisions.  Nevertheless, with the economy still weak, and with unemployment persisting at nearly ten percent nationally, now is not the time to raise taxes.   

"I encourage my colleagues in the Congress and the President to use this two-year period productively and undertake comprehensive tax reform to make our system fairer, simpler, and more pro-growth."
