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U.S. Senator Susan Collins today released this statement honoring our nation's veterans on Veterans Day.

"Veterans Day was established to commemorate that precise moment - the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 - when the guns of the First World War fell silent, and to remember the 116,000 Americans who died.

"This day is dedicated to Americans who have answered freedom's call throughout our nation's history. Some who answered that call did not return home. Some did return but have since passed on. Some remain missing but will never be forgotten. We express our gratitude to them in our hearts.

"Some live in honor among us; nearly 24 million across America, with more than 136,000 right here in Maine. Whether they served in recent years or in generations past, we express our gratitude to them in our words and through our actions. We express our gratitude by ensuring that our veterans receive the support - the quality health care, and the educational and employment opportunities - they earned through their service.

"As the daughter of a World War II veteran, I am honored to be an advocate for our veterans.

"This Veteran's Day, let us remember those who have sacrificed so much to and honor their service through words and actions that proclaim our gratitude."