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Senator Collins' Statement On Prime Minister Netanyahu's Remarks

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address before a Joint Meeting of Congress, Senator Susan Collins released the following statement:

“Prime Minister Netanyahu delivered a powerful speech that sets forth the serious threat that a nuclear-armed Iran would pose not only to Israel and to the stability of the Middle East but to our country as well. It is important that our country hear from the leader of America’s closest and only fully democratic ally in the Middle East on this issue.

“An effective, verifiable diplomatic solution would be the best possible outcome for halting the Iranian pursuit of a nuclear weapon, and I have supported diplomatic efforts that are backed by tough sanctions to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. I hope that the Obama Administration will negotiate an agreement that removes the threat of Iran being able to produce a nuclear weapon in less than a year. Iran already is in violation of United Nations resolutions prohibiting the country from enriching uranium. In addition, it is one of the foremost state sponsors of terrorist groups. How the Administration deals with these and other issues will determine whether or not I can support the ultimate agreement."