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Senator Collins’ Statement on Death of Lewiston Shooter

Bangor, ME – U.S. Senator Susan Collins released the following statement tonight following confirmation that the Lewiston shooter has been found dead:

“Tonight, Mainers can breathe a collective sigh of relief thanks to the brave first responders who worked night and day to find this killer. 

“When President Biden called me this evening to tell me the perpetrator of the heinous attacks in Lewiston had been found, we both expressed our profound appreciation for the courage and determination of these brave men and women. 

“I want to also thank Governor Mills for her steadfast leadership, the health care workers who cared for the victims, the city officials who have worked tirelessly, and the people of Maine who came together in the wake of this attack.

“To the families who lost loved ones and to those injured by this attack, I know that no words can diminish the shock, pain, and justifiable anger you feel. It is my hope that you will find solace and strength in knowing that you are in the hearts of people throughout Maine and across the nation.”
