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Senator Collins’ Statement in Advance of 21st Anniversary of 9/11

Bangor, ME—In advance of the 21st Anniversary of September 11th tomorrow, U.S. Senator Susan Collins issued this statement:


“On September 11, 2001, a terrorist attack transformed a late-summer morning of uncommon brilliance into one of unimagined horror.  


“We pause today to reflect on the nearly 3,000 innocent lives that were taken that terrible day – including five from Maine.  We also pause today to honor the heroes who courageously rushed headlong into danger to save the lives of others.  


“On that evening 21 years ago, members of Congress gathered on the steps of the U.S. Capitol.  With tears in our eyes and sorrow in our hearts, together we sang, “God Bless America.”  The emotions of shock, anger, and grief were joined by unity, patriotism, and resolve.  All these years later, that moment remains one of my most enduring memories of that day.”




Senator Collins is a co-sponsor of a Senate resolution to recognize 9/11 as a National Day of Service and Remembrance.