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Senator Susan Collins today released this statement after voting in support of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, bipartisan legislation that would strengthen the nation's food safety systems in the wake of serious food safety outbreaks.  Senator Collins supported an amendment to the legislation that would protect small farms and people who grow food for their own consumption from new regulations.  

"In 2006, 200 people in 26 states became sick and five people died from an outbreak of E. coli in fresh spinach.  Later that year, E. coli in fresh lettuce sickened more than 70 people across the country.  And, in 2007, hundreds of people became extremely ill as the result of a salmonella outbreak in peanut butter.

"These are just a few recent examples that revealed serious deficiencies in our nation's food safety system.  While not perfect, this bipartisan legislation includes common sense solutions to help make America's food supply safer.  It will improve and streamline the FDA's outdated food safety system, strengthening our nation's food safety system and better protecting consumers from foodborne illnesses.  
"I supported an amendment offered by Senator Jon Tester (D-MT), that is now part of this bill, that protects small farms and people who grow food for their own consumption.  It's also important to note that these regulations do not apply to small food-producers who sell food at farmers' markets, bake sales, public events, or local fundraisers.  This amendment is supported by the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, the Maine Alternative Agriculture Association, the Belfast Co-Op, and the Rising Tide Community Market in Damariscotta.

Russell Libby, Executive Director of the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, praised passage of the legislation: "The language included in the amendment that passed last night is important for protecting small farms and roadside stands.  Maine residents buy a large part of their produce direct from the farmer.   Without the amendment, these farms would face burdensome paperwork and unnecessary costs.  I have had many discussions with Senator Collins' staff about the details of this bill, and I applaud Senator Collins for supporting the amendment and the overall bill.  It was critically important that small farmers and gardeners had a voice at the table."
