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Senator Susan Collins today released this statement praising the bipartisan agreement to help the first responders who have become ill as a result of their rescue efforts on and after September 11, 2001.

“I believe that we have a moral obligation to provide care for the first responders who have become ill as a result of their heroic work in response to the terrorist attacks of 9-11-2001,” said Senator Collins.  “I encouraged negotiators from both parties to come to an agreement on a carefully targeted bill to accomplish this goal.

“Like all Americans, I am deeply grateful that so many heroic rescue and recovery personnel from all over the country – including Maine -- worked tirelessly in the aftermath of the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.  It is important that those who fell ill – and will become ill – as a result of exposure to toxins receive the proper care and treatment that they need. 

“I discussed the importance of this legislation with New York’s mayor and police commissioner and I have met personally with Maine firefighters who bravely responded to Ground Zero.  I am grateful we have an agreement that will help them.”
