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Senator Collins Speaks at New England Council Breakfast

Portland, ME — U.S. Senator Susan Collins attended and delivered remarks at the New England Council breakfast this morning, which was attended by approximately 70 New England Council members from Maine.  Following her remarks, Senator Collins participated in a Q&A with attendees.


“The New England Council was formed in 1925 in response to a great challenge.  Our region was hurting, our traditional industries were in decline, and our communities were in jeopardy.  Nearly a century later, the nation’s oldest regional business organization remains true to its founding purpose of promoting economic development,” said Senator Collins.  “The same determination and commitment that brought our leaders together to find solutions to those challenges all those decades ago must be brought to bear on the problems of today.”


“Despite the divisiveness in Washington, Congress has demonstrated a willingness to come together at times.  While the divisions are deep, I continue to believe that we all desire an America that is vibrant, just, and prosperous,” Senator Collins continued.  “Getting there will require working hard, respecting the courage and wisdom that lights our history, and sitting down together to work things out.  And that sounds like a job for New Englanders.”


During her remarks, Senator Collins discussed several federal programs that have contributed to Maine’s economic growth through increased funding for biomedical research and improvements to our state’s bridges, roadways, railroads, airports, and shipyards.


The New England Council is a non-partisan alliance of businesses, academic and health institutions, and public and private organizations throughout New England formed to promote economic growth and a high quality of life in the New England region.

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