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Senator Collins Receives Home Health Care Award

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Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Susan Collins received the Friend of Home Health Section Award from the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) for her work to support home health care providers in Maine and throughout the country and to bring physical therapy services into patients’ homes.


“One of my first actions after being elected to the U.S. Senate was to visit an older couple in Bangor who were receiving home health care services, including physical therapy.  This visit, along with several others I have since been on, have reinforced my belief that home health is the most compassionate and cost effective way of providing care.  The American Physical Therapy Association recognizes its importance and continues to serve as an incredible advocate for home health services,” said Senator Collins.  “I am honored to receive this recognition, and I will continue to work to improve and expand the scope of health care services so that all Americans are able to access this critical care.”


“The Home Health Section of the American Physical Therapy Association greatly appreciates Senator Collins leadership on issues impacting patients of physical therapy and home health. We applaud her for her commitment to improving patient access to care and supporting therapy businesses,” said Dee Kornetti, PT, MA, President of the Home Health Section of APTA.


“Senator Collins has been an advocate for small business and we applaud her for her ability to reach across the aisle in a spirit of bipartisanship and work for the appropriate reimbursement for health care providers especially in the time of a national pandemic. She truly merits and deserves the Friend of Home Health Section Award,” said Dr. Carol Zehnacker, PT, DPT, chair of the APTA Home Health Section’s government affairs committee.


The American Physical Therapy Association is an individual membership professional organization representing more than 100,000 member physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students of physical therapy.




As the Chairman of the Aging Committee and a member of the Senate Health Committee, Senator Collins has long worked to advance home health services.  This week, she will introduce a bipartisan, bicameral bill to provide Medicare reimbursement for audio and video telehealth services furnished by home health agencies during the COVID-19 emergency and future public health emergencies. 


Last week, Senator Collins urged Senate Leadership to take action to overturn regulatory cuts to specialty physicians and other health providers, such as physical therapists.


As part of Congress’ response to the pandemic, Senator Collins has supported legislation providing approximately $3 trillion to respond to the public health and economic crisis, and she has secured more than $450 million for Maine’s health care providers.


The CARES Act included legislation Senator Collins authored that authorizes physician assistants and nurse practitioners to order home health care services for Medicare patients.



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