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Senator Collins Participates in JROTC Memorial Day Ceremony in Bangor

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Bangor, ME – U.S. Senator Susan Collins attended the JROTC Memorial Day ceremony at the Bangor Waterfront.  The event was organized by the Bangor High School JROTC Cadet Battalion and its instructor, Lt. Colonel Darryl Lyon.  During the celebration, Senator Collins delivered remarks and participated in a flag ceremony and wreath laying in honor of fallen service members, police officers, and firefighters.


“I am so proud of the young men and women of the Bangor High School Junior ROTC,” said Senator Collins.  “Their decision to make this a day of remembrance for law enforcement officers and firefighters as well as the armed forces, demonstrates a profound understanding of the sacrifices heroes in many uniforms make on our behalf.”


“One of my earliest childhood memories is going with my father to the Memorial Day parade in my hometown of Caribou.  During World War II, he saw action in Europe and fought at the Battle of the Bulge, one of the most terrible battles of the war, where he was wounded twice.  He earned the Combat Infantry Badge, two Purple Hearts, and the Bronze Star.”  Senator Collins continued.  “He would hoist me high on his shoulders, and from the best vantage point along the parade route, I saw hats go off and hands go over hearts as Caribou paid its respects to our flag and honored the patriots who served our country.  Those who devote themselves to protecting our freedom and our safety provide all of us with an inspiring view.  From them, we see that the burden of service must be borne willingly.  We see that challenges must be met and that threats must be confronted.  And we see that we have an obligation to always respect and support those who make that view possible.  May God bless our heroes, and may God bless America.”


Bangor’s JROTC program was recently designated an “Honor United with Distinction” by the US Army Cadet Command.  Following an extensive inspection, the Battalion scored a 95% across ten inspected areas.  The last time the Battalion was awarded this distinction was in 2015.

