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Senator Collins Meets With VA Secretary Shinseki To Discuss Maine Veterans' Priorities

WASHINGTON, D.C. -U.S. Senator Susan Collins, one of the top Republicans on the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee, met with Secretary Eric Shinseki of the Department of Veterans Affairs to discuss issues that are of importance to veterans from Maine and across the country, including the VA claims backlog, suicide prevention and drug take-back programs, joblessness, Gagetown, and the Access Received Closer to Home (ARCH) program.

The ARCH program is intended to improve access for eligible veterans by connecting them to health care providers and services closer to home.  Senator Collins shared with Secretary Shinseki how successful it is in northern Maine and stressed the importance of continuing this critically important program. 

"I was pleased to meet with Secretary Shinseki and to speak on behalf of Maine's veterans about issues of concern and other priorities for the care of our veterans.  Maine has one of the highest ratios in the nation of veterans to overall population, and in a large, rural state like Maine, it is critically important that the VA goes the extra mile to see that our veterans have access to and receive the treatment they need and deserve," said Senator Collins.  "I look forward to continuing my efforts to help veterans, both in Maine and the nation, as a member of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee."

In addition, Senator Collins asked the Secretary to support her efforts to help prevent suicide among servicemembers and veterans by working with her on legislation that would grant the Army and Department of Veterans Affairs the authority to receive and dispose of prescription drugs through a drug take-back program.  A recent Department of the Army report found that 29 percent of Army suicides had a known history of psychotropic medication use including anti-depressants and opioids.  

They also discussed concerns that veterans have raised with Senator Collins regarding changes to the VA's process for approval of repairs or replacements to prosthetics and wheelchairs, which have resulted in delays. 

Senator Collins is also a cosponsor of the Ruth Moore Act, a bill that would make it easier for survivors of military sexual assault to get recognition of service-connected disability from the VA.  Since so many sexual assaults go unreported, veterans often experience difficulty meeting the burden of proof when applying for service-connected disability benefits.