Following her hour-long meeting with Judge Alito, Senator Collins released this statement: "My meeting with Judge Alito today was a very good and informative one. I found Judge Alito to be very straightforward and direct in answering my questions. We spoke about a wide variety of issues including some of the high profile cases over which Judge Alito has presided and his dissent in Planned Parenthood vs. Casey. He assured me that he has a tremendous respect for precedent and recognizes a constitutional right to privacy.
"Judge Alito has an impressive background and strong legal credentials. I now have a far better sense of his judicial philosophy. It is impossible to learn everything I will need to know in a one-hour discussion, therefore, I will watch Judge Alito's hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee closely and will reserve final judgment until after they are completed."
The Senate is scheduled to begin confirmation hearings for Judge Alito on Monday, January 9, 2006.