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Senator Collins Meets with Dr. James Dlugos and Elizabeth Schran of Saint Joseph’s College

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Susan Collins recently met with Dr. James Dlugos, the President of Saint Joseph’s College, and Elizabeth Schran, the Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations, in her Washington, D.C., office.  Dr. Dlugos and Ms. Schran were in D.C. to attend the annual meeting of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities.
“Strong leadership in our educational system is crucial to the success of our students in Maine and across the country.  President Dr. James Dlugos and Elizabeth Schran are doing outstanding work at Saint Joseph’s, and it was an honor to welcome them to Washington,” said Senator Collins
Saint Joseph’s College has a campus enrollment of approximately 1,000 students in Standish, and approximately 2,000 students are enrolled in its online programs across the country and in more than 20 countries.  Saint Joseph’s was founded in 1912 by the Sisters of Mercy and is Maine’s only Catholic college.

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