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Senator Collins Joins President Obama, Members of Congress, and Veterans to Celebrate Veterans Day at Arlington National Cemetery

     WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Veterans Day, Senator Collins joined veterans, members of the Armed Forces, Congress, and the President at Arlington National Cemetery to honor and celebrate our nation’s veterans, and their families, for their service and sacrifices to our nation. The ceremony took place on sacred ground – Arlington National Cemetery. 

      “It was truly humbling to view the wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and to see the thousands of people who gathered to pay tribute,” said Senator Collins.  “The words on the tomb: ‘Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God’ remind us all that the freedoms we enjoy are not free and we must never forget the commitments we owe to those who serve.”

      Taking care of veterans and ensuring they have the resources needed to successfully transition to civilian life remain among Senator Collins’ top priorities.