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Senator Collins Joins Lewiston-Auburn Chamber of Commerce Breakfast

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Auburn, Maine – This morning, U.S. Senator Susan Collins attended an in person and virtual breakfast at the Lewiston-Auburn Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce this morning.  She discussed the need to overcome today’s polarized political environment to protect Mainers’ health and the economy during the pandemic as well as deliver relief for our state and our nation.  She also participated in a Q&A session.  The meeting was attended by approximately 35 people, with an additional 65 individuals joining virtually.


“Business leaders in Lewiston-Auburn are working hard every day to keep their businesses afloat and their employees paid during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Senator Collins said.  “It was heartening to hear what a lifeline the PPP has been for so many of these wonderful small businesses. Congress must build on the PPP’s success, and pass the legislation Senator Rubio and I authored to allow the hardest hit small businesses to receive a second PPP loan.  Congress should continue to build on its efforts to pass relief for hardworking families by starting with the areas where we agree and getting them quickly signed into law. ” 


When the COVID-19 pandemic struck earlier this year, Senator Collins immediately got to work to address this public health and economic crisis. As a member of the Small Business Task Force, she co-authored the bipartisan Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which passed the Senate unanimously, and has been a lifeline to millions of small employers and their employees across the country.  Since its launch in early April, the PPP has provided nearly $2.3 billion in forgivable loans to more than 28,000 Maine small businesses -- helping to sustain 240,000 Maine jobs.


At today’s breakfast, Senator Collins also officially receive the Jefferson-Hamilton Bipartisanship Award, which recognizes members of Congress who demonstrate the bipartisan leadership and constructive governing necessary to move our country forward.


The L-A Chamber serves 800 members in nearly 1,000 locations, representing more than 40 employers across the region.  They serve 16 communities and beyond.  The Chamber has increased connections with and across sectors during the pandemic, holding frequent membership and advocacy calls that engage hundreds of members and provide real-time updates on business priorities, concerns, and solutions. 

