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Senator Collins Joins Bipartisan Group in Introducing Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2019

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) joined Senators Roy Blunt (R-MO), Mazie Hirono (D-HI), and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) in introducing the Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2019. The bipartisan bill would close a loophole in the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 (CCA), which has prevented internationally-adopted children, who are now adults, from receiving U.S. citizenship despite being raised by American parents.


“Individuals who were legally adopted by loving U.S. parents, raised with American values, and are now contributing members of our society should not be denied citizenship due to a technicality in current law,” said Senator Collins. “Our bipartisan bill would address this loophole, and I encourage our colleagues to support it.”


The CCA guarantees citizenship to most international adoptees, but the law only applies to adoptees who were under the age of 18 when the law took effect on February 27, 2001. The loophole denies citizenship to adoptees who were age 18 or over in February 2001, even though they were legally adopted as children by U.S. citizens and raised in the United States. The legislation fixes this problem by making citizenship automatic for international adoptees who were legally adopted by U.S. citizens as children, regardless of how old they eventually were when the Child Citizenship Act took effect.


Without citizenship, these international adoptees face many barriers, such as having trouble applying for a passport, license, or student financial aid. In some cases, they have been deported to the country in which they were born.


In addition to the bipartisan congressional support for the Adoptee Citizenship Act, the legislation has garnered widespread praise among the nation’s leading adoption advocacy organizations.


“Adoptees who join American families as children grow up with American values and contribute to our nation’s communities in every way,” said Joy Alessi, Director, Adoptee Rights Campaign. “Passing the Adoptee Citizenship Act will provide the benefits and protections that many adoptees did not receive during their adoption process. Citizenship is critical for economic stability, family preservation, and social legitimacy. Finally, equal citizenship rights will strengthen our national values by empowering adoptees to participate in American democracy. We thank Senators Hirono, Blunt, Collins, and Klobuchar for their bipartisan leadership and urge all Members of Congress to support the Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2019.”


“For far too long, tens of thousands of international adoptee children of American parents have lived their entire lives without U.S. citizenship due to an oversight in a law that was intended to help them,” said Daniel Sakaguchi, President, National Asian Pacific American Bar Association. “Congress now has a chance to fix that law and change lives. We thank Senators Blunt, Hirono, Collins, and Klobuchar for their leadership and commitment to these adoptees. We urge all Members of Congress to support the Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2019.”


“Americans celebrate when children find families through adoption,” said Chuck Johnson, President, National Council For Adoption. “Fixing technicalities that have unintentionally prevented thousands of legally adopted children from obtaining their U.S citizenship is right and necessary. The Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2019 accomplishes this important goal.”


“The Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute is so grateful to the congressional leaders who are using their platform to eliminate barriers to permanency. The Adoptee Citizenship Act addresses a serious loophole that has left several thousand foreign-born adoptees who were legally adopted by American parents without their rightful U.S. citizenship status,” said Bethany Haley, Interim Executive Director, Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute. “The adoption community is grateful to Senators Blunt, Hirono, Collins, and Klobuchar for taking the initiative to solve this problem once and for all for the adopted children of American citizens."


“Adoptees for Justice is excited about the introduction of the Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2019 in the U.S. Senate,” said Becky Belcore, Co-Director, Adoptees For Justice. “This represents a big step forward towards all intercountry adoptees having U.S. citizenship, which should have automatically been granted when they were first adopted by their U.S. citizen parents."


“Holt International greatly appreciates the Senators for taking the lead on the Adoptee Citizenship Act,” said Susan Soonkeum Cox, VP Policy and External Affairs, Holt International. “We strongly support this important legislation, which is long overdue, and will do all we can to assure its passage.”


“Every child who was lawfully brought to the United States and adopted by U.S citizen parents should be a U.S. citizen,” said Dr. Diane B. Kunz, Esq., Executive Director, Center for Adoption Policy. “Unfortunately, until the Child Citizenship Act of 2000 was passed, citizenship for internationally adopted children was not automatic. But the law passed in 2000 did not cover all international adoptees, leaving some adoptees without U.S. citizenship and the rights and privileges of which, as the children of American parents, they should have. The Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2019, if passed, will rectify this gap and right an injustice to adoptees that has existed for too long.”


“We must protect and foster the basic unit of our society, the family,” said Richard MacIntyre, Partner, Family Coalition for Adoptee Citizenship. “This bill will provide the long awaited right to citizenship for deserving adoptees and security to their American families.”