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              Senator Susan Collins today was joined by Senator John Warner (R-VA) in introducing an amendment in the U.S. Senate that will expand to $400 per year and make permanent an above-the-line tax deduction to teachers who spend their own money on school supplies.  Senator Collins authored the original law that currently allows teachers to deduct up to $250 per year. Senator Collins’ amendment expands that amount, makes permanent the tax deduction, and allows school teachers to also deduct expenses related to professional development.  According to the National Education Association, teachers in Maine and throughout the nation spend, on average, $443 a year on classroom supplies.               “So often, teachers in Maine and throughout the country spend their own money to improve the classroom experiences of their students. Indeed, I have spoken to dozens of teachers in Maine who tell me that they routinely spend far in excess of the current deduction limit of $250 on materials they use in their classroom,” said Senator Collins during a speech to the Senate.               Senator Collins cited the example of Anita Hopkins an Elementary School teacher from Augusta who estimates that she spends $800 to $1,000 of her own money each year on extra materials to help make learning fun and stimulating for her students.               In addition, Senator Collins’ amendment would allow teachers to include in the deduction expenses related to professional development. “Teachers in Maine repeatedly tell me that they need, and want, more professional development. But tight school budgets often make funds to support this development impossible to get. While this tax relief provides modest assistance to educators, it is my view that students are the ultimate beneficiary,” said Senator Collins.               Senator Collins added, “This amendment is a small but appropriate means of recognizing our teachers for a job well done.”               Her amendment has been endorsed by the National Education Association and was offered as part of minimum wage increase legislation. Senator Collins is working to ensure that her proposal is included in the final version of the bill.   ####