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Senator Collins Honored for Supporting Future Women Leaders

Washington, D.C.—In recognition of her commitment to supporting the next generation of women leaders, U.S. Senator Susan Collins received the Mentor Award from the Public Leadership Education Network (PLEN). The award was presented to Senator Collins last evening at a reception honoring women leaders.

“As someone who benefitted from the influence of mentors throughout my life, I am delighted to receive this recognition for encouraging the next generation of women leaders,” said Senator Collins. “PLEN does a commendable job helping young women gain the strength, knowledge, and confidence to succeed. Through mentorship and other means of support, we can ensure that the number of women leaders in the public policy field continues to grow.”

PLEN is a national, non-partisan organization that prepares college women for leadership in public policy. More than 200 women attend PLEN seminars each year, which allow students to meet with women leaders who influence or create national policy, including Supreme Court Justices, Members of Congress, nonprofit advocates, directors of public agencies, and others.

Other PLEN Mentor Award Honorees included Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH); Nancy Bocskor, The Nancy Bocskor Company; and Alice Rivlin, The Brookings Institution.