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Senator Collins Escorts Belfast Native & Maine Cherry Blossom Princess at Congressional Reception

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Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Susan Collins escorted Maine Cherry Blossom Princess Zoe Grant of Belfast at the Cherry Blossom Congressional Reception last week.


“I was delighted to participate in this wonderful event which gives young women across the country and around the world the opportunity to strengthen their leadership skills, meet with female leaders in government, and make lasting friendships,” said Senator Collins.  “Zoe is a great student and a hard worker, and she has done a terrific job representing Maine in the National Cherry Blossom Festival.”


Zoe is a graduate of Camden Hills Regional High School and is currently a senior at the University of Southern Maine where she is studying marketing.  She is a USASA/USSA alpine snowboard racer as well as a youth snowboarding coach.  Zoe was named Maine’s Harvest Miss in 2016.


Each spring, Washington, D.C., celebrates the National Cherry Blossom Festival with events sponsored by several organizations, including the National Conference of State Societies (NCSS).  Since 1948, the NCSS has been the sponsoring organization for the Cherry Blossom Festival Princesses who represent their State/Territory/Country during Festival activities.  In 1996, the Embassy community was invited to participate as Princess Partners, and new international bonds of friendship are being formed through the Princess program.