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Senator Collins Delivers Keynote Address at Opening Day of Dirigo State in Waterville


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Waterville, ME – Today, U.S. Senator Susan Collins delivered the keynote address to around 250 high school delegates on the opening day of the annual Dirigo State program at Colby College in Waterville. Senator Collins was previously a delegate to the former Girls’ State program while she attended Caribou High School.

“The lessons of leadership, of standing tall for one’s beliefs while respecting the beliefs of others, and of working together for the common good will serve you well during this program and throughout your lives,” Senator Collins said in her remarks. “The delegates of yesterday are the leaders of today.  The delegates of today will be the leaders of tomorrow.”

“Whether the path of leadership takes you to public office, government service, issue advocacy, or community involvement, this week will set you on your way. Congratulations for taking this important step toward leadership.  I wish you all the best on the exciting journey that lies ahead,” Senator Collins concluded.

The American Legion, Department of Maine Dirigo State program is a comprehensive, experiential learning, youth leadership program. Designed after the Maine State government, the week-long program will involve hundreds of high school students coming together to create their own town, county, and state governing bodies.
