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Senator Collins Cosponsors Resolution Recognizing Legacy of President George H.W. Bush on His 100th Birthday

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Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Susan Collins, joined a group of Senators to cosponsor a Senate resolution recognizing the life, achievements, and public service of former President George H.W. Bush on the occasion of what would have been his 100th birthday.  

“President Bush loved the State of Maine and its people, and we are so proud to have had him as our neighbor and our friend. I treasured his friendship and deeply miss visiting with him and First Lady Barbara Bush each summer at their family home at Walker’s Point,” said Senator Collins. “Courage, duty, honor, and compassion defined his life and his public service to our nation.”

John Cornyn (R-TX), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), and Steve Daines (R-MT) joined her in introducing the resolution.

The complete text of the resolution can be read here.
