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Senator Collins Completes Another Year of Senate Service with Perfect Consecutive Vote Record

Washington, D.C.—U.S. Senator Susan Collins extended her streak of not missing a single roll call vote, bringing her total to 7,262 consecutive votes through the end of 2019.  She reached the milestone of casting 7,000 votes in June of this year.


Senator Collins holds the longest perfect roll call vote record in Senate history.  She has been present for every roll call vote that has occurred in the Senate since she was sworn into office in January 1997.  Senator Collins is now 12th in Senate seniority.


“Growing up in Aroostook County, I learned the importance of a strong work ethic at a very early age.  I am proud to bring the Maine values of hard work and dedication to the U.S. Senate.  It is an honor to represent the people of Maine, and I have always believed it is important to show up for every vote and make sure their voices are heard,” said Senator Collins.  “My vote record was inspired by the legendary Maine Senator Margaret Chase Smith, who did not miss a vote for 13 years until surgery forced her to do so.”


Senator Collins surpassed Senator Smith’s record in 2005.  Senator Smith cast 2,941 consecutive votes over 13 years before missing her first vote on September 6, 1968.


Senator Collins’ first vote in the Senate was on January 22, 1997, when she voted to confirm Madeleine Albright as Secretary of State.  Her second vote, the same day, was to confirm former Maine Senator Bill Cohen as Secretary of Defense.  Senator Collins succeeded Secretary Cohen in the Senate.


In addition to not missing any roll call votes, Senator Collins continues to return home to Maine on weekends and during state work periods to meet with constituents and visit communities, businesses, and schools throughout the state.


Senator Collins holds the longest perfect, unbroken record of Senate roll call votes, and she has the third-longest consecutive vote streak.  The only other two Senators with longer consecutive vote streaks are former Senator William Proxmire (D-WI) and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA).  Senator Proxmire, who was first elected in 1957, cast 10,252 uninterrupted votes between 1966 and 1988 but missed votes earlier in his career.  Senator Grassley has not missed a vote since 1993, when he was touring severe flood damage in his home state.