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Senator Collins Calls on Treasury Secretary to Suspend Tariffs During COVID-19 Pandemic

Click HERE to read Senator Collins’ letter


Washington, D.C.—U.S. Senator Susan Collins sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin today, calling on him to temporarily defer tariffs for U.S. companies that are experiencing economic hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Senator Collins has repeatedly urged the Administration to resolve tariffs that are harming Maine’s businesses and consumers.  Over the past several weeks, it has become increasingly difficult for U.S. importers to pay duties upfront due to a decrease in demand caused by the coronavirus.  This proposal would allow businesses to delay paying tariffs for at least three months. 


“In my state, I have heard directly from domestic manufacturers, retail and apparel companies and small businesses importing specialty products. I have raised the needs of many of these industries in previous correspondence to the Department of the Treasury and the Office of the United States Trade Representative and asked for the removal of tariffs,” said Senator Collins. “The response to COVID-19 has now added another layer of pressure as businesses are facing severe cash flow problems.”


“Mainers are resilient and we will make it through this pandemic stronger than before; however, I also want to encourage the Administration to help lessen the burden when possible,” Senator Collins continued.  “I urge you to immediately issue a directive to U.S. Customs and Border Protection to defer all tariffs impacting these industries for at least 90 days, or until the crisis passes.”


Click HERE to read Senator Collins’ letter.

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