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Senator Collins Calls on USPS to Improve Speed of Mail Delivery in Maine

Washington, D.C.—In response to reports of widespread delays and disruptions in mail delivery, U.S. Senator Susan Collins wrote to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy to press him to explain the cause of mail delays in Maine.  In addition to slow service, mail delivery has been irregular, with some postal customers going several days at a time without receiving mail.


“A number of constituents have reported no delivery at all for a period of up to five to seven days,” wrote Senator Collins.  “Many who have reached out to the United States Postal Service (USPS) share that they received no reply from the agency.  Their experiences correspond with the nationwide reports about frequent delays and sporadic mail delivery.”


“Mail service has become even more vital to our communities during the COVID-19 pandemic as a way to combat isolation and access a variety of goods and services without compromising customer safety.  I am extremely concerned about the deterioration of service reported by my constituents, as well as the apparent shortage of mail carriers and the lack of information about USPS plans to resolve this issue,” Senator Collins continued.  “[S]uch poor service threatens to drive customers away from the Postal Service for their shipping needs, further exacerbating the USPS’s financial distress.”


Senator Collins requested that Postmaster General DeJoy provide answers to the following questions:


  • What factor(s) are causing the delayed and undependable delivery of mail?


  • Is the deterioration in service primarily COVID-19 related or due to other factors?


  • What are USPS plans to ensure reliable, daily delivery of letter mail?


  • Does the Postal Service require additional personnel to resume timely delivery schedules?


  • What is the timeframe within which USPS intends to resume daily letter mail delivery where service is disrupted?


Click HERE to read Senator Collins’ letter.

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