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Senator Collins Attends Christening of the USS Patrick Gallagher at BIW

gallagher collage

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Bath, ME – Yesterday, U.S. Senator Susan Collins, Vice Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee and Ranking Member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, delivered remarks at the christening ceremony for the Patrick Gallagher (DDG-127) at Bath Iron Works (BIW). 

“Today we christen DDG-127 with the name of a hero who exemplified the highest ideals of America and Ireland, Lance Corporal Patrick “Bob” Gallagher, pride of the United States Marine Corps, son of County Mayo,” said Senator Collins in her remarks. “The timeless virtues enshrined in this ship’s motto “Be Brave and Be Bold” are most appropriate as she prepares to take her place alongside the USS Carney and the other Bath-built destroyers in service today.”

The Patrick Gallagher—an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer—was christened in honor of Lance Corporal Patrick Gallagher, an Irish citizen who earned the Navy Cross fighting for the United States in Vietnam. 

On the night of July 18, 1966, enemy fighters launched a surprise attack and lobbed grenades into the Marines’ camp. Lance Corporal Gallagher kicked one grenade aside before it detonated and, in an astonishing act of heroism, threw himself onto another, ready to give his life to save the lives of his comrades. Miraculously, that grenade failed to explode until he was able to pull it from under his body and toss it into a river. For acting without hesitation in a valiant act of self-sacrifice, Corporal Gallagher was awarded the Navy Cross, the second-highest military decoration awarded for Sailors and Marines who demonstrate extraordinary heroism. Tragically, he fell in combat on March 30, 1967, just days before his tour of duty was scheduled to end.

The Patrick Gallagher is the 41st guided missile destroyer built at BIW.
