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U.S. Senator Susan Collins today announced that a resolution declaring March 2nd "Read Across America Day" unanimously passed the U.S. Senate yesterday. The resolution encourages parents to read to their children for at least 30 minutes. March 2nd was chosen by the National Education Association (NEA) to commemorate the birthday of Theodor Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss. The NEA created the "Read Across America Day" campaign twelve years ago to encourage children to read, and to encourage parents to read to their children.

"I encourage all parents to read to their children. It is not only a worthwhile investment, but it is also a wonderful experience. I have visited 166 schools in Maine, and these visits are among the most rewarding experiences in my career in public service," said Senator Collins. "It is my hope that "Read Across America Day" will continue to help families get into a daily practice of reading to their children. I applaud schoolteachers, librarians, and most of all, our parents, for their commitment to teaching America's children the joys of reading."