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U.S. Senator Susan Collins announced that she will vote to support the nomination of U.S. Solicitor General Elena Kagan to serve as the 112th justice of the United States Supreme Court.

In a statement released today, Senator Collins said:

"In considering judicial nominees, I carefully weigh their qualifications, competence, personal integrity, judicial temperament and philosophy. I believe it is critical for nominees to have a judicial philosophy that is devoid of prejudgment, partisanship, and preference. Only then will the decisions handed down from the bench be impartial and consistent with legal precedent and with the constitutional foundations of our democratic society.

"I have applied these standards to Elena Kagan. Having analyzed her record, questioned her personally, and reviewed the Judiciary Committee's hearings, I have concluded that Ms. Kagan should be confirmed to our nation's highest court.

"The American Bar Association's Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary has unanimously rated Elena Kagan as "well-qualified." Ms. Kagan's remarkable legal and academic career demonstrates her intellectual capacity to serve as a Justice. Her writings, testimony, and my discussions with her all demonstrate not only a sweeping knowledge of the law, but also a love for the law . . . a passion for judicial reasoning.

"To be clear, in her previous posts, Ms. Kagan has taken positions that I oppose. It appears that her personal opinion on gun rights is at odds with my own views.

"Nonetheless, Ms. Kagan indicated in her testimony before the Judiciary Committee that she would follow the precedent established in the Heller and McDonald cases, describing those decisions as "settled law." These cases clearly establish that the right to bear arms is an individual right guaranteed by the Constitution.

"Based on my review of Ms. Kagan's record, on my assessment of her character, and my belief in her promise to adhere to precedent, Ms. Kagan warrants confirmation to the high court. She possesses the intellect, experience, temperament, and integrity to serve our country honorably as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court."