Washington, D.C.—U.S. Senator Susan Collins, the Chairman of the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies (THUD) Appropriations Subcommittee, announced today that the U.S. Department of Transportation will award $7,719,173 in funding to the State of Maine for infrastructure improvements at the Port of Portland. This funding will be provided to the Maine Department of Transportation through the FASTLANE grant program created by the FAST Act.
“I am delighted to announce that the State of Maine will receive a $7.7 million investment through the FASTLANE grant program for vital infrastructure improvements at the Port of Portland. This major seaport is utilized daily by businesses and customers across our state, including L.L. Bean, Poland Spring water, and Aroostook potato growers,” said Senator Collins. “As Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee that has jurisdiction over the Department of Transportation, I worked to ensure that the FASTLANE program was fully funded so it could provide the critically needed resources for transportation projects in Maine and across our country. This funding for the Port of Portland will help create jobs, improve competitiveness, and provide an economic boost for the State of Maine.”
“Senator Susan Collins continues to recognize the transportation needs of Maine,” said MaineDOT Commissioner David Bernhardt. “Thanks to her efforts, this FASTLANE grant will continue to help the development of the International Marine Terminal in Portland. The economic benefits are being realized as jobs continue to be created while businesses expand through international trade. As Commissioner, I couldn’t ask for a better partner than Senator Collins, who continues to demonstrate her passion for the transportation infrastructure of the state.”
In April, Senator Collins wrote a letter along with the other members of Maine’s congressional delegation to USDOT Secretary Anthony Foxx expressing strong support for the Maine Department of Transportation’s application.
Improvements to the Port of Portland will consist of: 1) removing existing maintenance facility and infill of the wharf; 2) installing new mobile harbor crane and other cargo handling equipment; 3) constructing a highway and rail crossing upgrade; and 4) building a terminal operations and maintenance center.
Currently, cargo is offloaded at Canadian ports and transported to the United States via truck. By addressing the capacity and infrastructure needs at the Port of Portland, the project will improve freight mobility and relieve highway congestion between Portland and Canadian ports. Capacity and state of good repair improvements for the railroads at the port and the rail line serving the port allow for expansion of intermodal service by rail.
The project, along with other projects that have been selected for funding under the FASTLANE program, will undergo a 60-day congressional review pursuant to the FAST Act.