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Senator Collins’ Statement on Passing of President H.W. Bush

Bangor, ME—U.S. Senator Susan Collins issued this statement on the passing of President George H.W. Bush:


“On Ocean Avenue in Kennebunkport, Maine, stands a simple yet powerful monument, a gift from the people of that small town to a friend and neighbor.  The monument is a United States Navy anchor; the friend and neighbor is President George Herbert Walker Bush.


“It is a fitting tribute.  President Bush often called the family home at Walker’s Point his ‘anchor to windward,’ a special place of unsurpassed natural beauty in a caring community.  Through the years, it has been the place that gave him the strength to face the many challenges he took on in dedicated service to our country.


“It is fitting in another way.  As a Navy aviator in World War II, in Congress, as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Vice President, and President, George H.W. Bush consistently and vigorously demonstrated the values that are the anchor of American society.  Courage, duty, honor, and compassion define our nation and his life.  As he encouraged Americans to be a “thousand points of light” through service to others, he shone the brightest.


“These values were also demonstrated by his First Lady, Barbara, his devoted partner for 73 wonderful years.  As we recall what President and Mrs. Bush gave to our nation, we also reflect upon what we have lost. 


“The end of a life so devoted to the highest ideals of the human spirit brings to mind the Parable of the Talents.  The master, leaving on a journey, entrusts a servant with a portion of his treasure.  Upon his return, the master is delighted to find that his wealth was wisely invested and multiplied.


“George Herbert Walker Bush was entrusted with the great treasure of principles, determination, and courage.  He invested that treasure wisely and multiplied it to the benefit of all.  Like the master in the New Testament, to him we say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.’ May God bless him and keep his memory always anchored in our hearts.”