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Senator Collins’ Statement on Passing of Bangor Troop Greeter Jerry Mundy

Bangor, ME—U.S. Senator Susan Collins issued this statement on the passing of Jerry Mundy, a leader of the Bangor Troop Greeters:


“As one of the leaders of the Bangor Troop Greeters, Jerry Mundy welcomed countless troops from flights carrying them overseas or bringing them back home.  Whether these planes landed in the daytime or the middle of the night, no matter the weather, Jerry made sure that the men and women of our armed forces were met with cookies and coffee, cheers and songs, and handshakes and hugs. 


“I had the pleasure of meeting Jerry on several occasions, including once at a screening of a documentary on the Bangor Troop Greeters at the U.S. Capitol, and another time while he was in his element greeting troops at the Bangor International Airport.


“As a veteran himself, Jerry always knew the exact right words of encouragement and appreciation to express to every service member he met in order to help them feel a little closer to home.  Maine has lost a very special patriot, but his memory will live on in the hearts of the many grateful men and women in our armed forces whom he greeted with open arms.”