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Senator Collins’ Statement Following Attacks in New York, New Jersey, and Minnesota

In response to the attacks that occurred in three states this weekend, U.S. Senator Susan Collins, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, issued this statement:

"It is deeply troubling that these three attacks occurred in one day in three different states.  While we do not yet know if these attacks were inspired or directed by Islamist terrorists, ISIS has taken credit for the Minnesota stabbings, and based on initial press reports, the pressure cooker bombs used in New York seem very similar to those described in the Al Qaeda English language publication Inspire.

"In each of the states, first responders acted quickly and heroically, undoubtedly saving lives and reducing the number of people injured.  Effective police work by the NYPD located another bomb before it could be detonated.   For that, we are all grateful.

"As a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I anticipate learning more details as the investigations continue."