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Senator Collins’ Statement on Confirmation of Michael Regan as EPA Administrator

Washington, D.C.—U.S. Senator Susan Collins issued the following statement after voting to confirm Michael Regan as the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.  Mr. Regan was confirmed by a vote of 66-34.


“After examining Michael Regan’s qualifications, reviewing his hearing before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, and meeting with him personally, I will vote to confirm him to be the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. I am encouraged by Mr. Regan’s bipartisan record as the head of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality and his experience in protecting public health and the environment, which is EPA’s core mission. For example, Mr. Regan’s efforts to address PFAS contamination is an important response to a growing challenge across the country. I also appreciate his commitment to engage with Maine’s forest products industry on regulatory issues at the EPA.  I look forward to working with Mr. Regan on environmental issues of importance to Maine and the nation.”



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