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Senator Collins’ Statement on Anniversary of 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Susan Collins released this statement on the 17th anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks.


“September 11th was not just a day of personal tragedy.  It was an attack on the United States, an attack on freedom, and an assault on civilization,” said Senator Collins.  “We must never forget what was lost and what remains at stake.  We must pledge to do all that we can to prevent future attacks.  The fundamental obligation of government is to protect its people.  Since September 11th, we have done much to meet that obligation.”


“In what seemed like a moment, September 11th was transformed from a day like any other into one that, forever, will stand alone,” Senator Collins continued.  “The loss we relive reminds us of the value of all that we must protect.  The heroism reminds us of the unconquerable spirit of the American people.  Our accomplishments remind us that we can meet any challenge with decisive action.  As long as we keep the meaning of this day of remembrance in our hearts, we shall meet the challenges that lie ahead.”


Click HERE to read Senator Collins’ full statement.