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Senator Collins’ Statement on 2020 Presidential Election Results

Washington, D.C.—U.S. Senator Susan Collins released this statement:


“First, I would offer my congratulations to President-elect Biden on his apparent victory – he loves this country, and I wish him every success.  Presidential transitions are important, and the President-elect and the Vice-President-elect should be given every opportunity to ensure that they are ready to govern on January 20th.


“I understand that the President and others have questions about the results in certain states.  There is a process in place to challenge those results and, consistent with that process, the President should be afforded the opportunity to do so.


“I know that many are eager to have certainty right now.  While we have a clear direction, we should continue to respect that process.  I urge people to be patient.  The process has not failed our country in more than 200 years, and it is not going to fail our country this year.”

